So I've been doing a lot of research on other photographers and noticed something about my work... I need to challenge myself more. Push the envelope. See, feel and photograph more and diverse subjects. Follow my heart.
Buildings have been a large part of my life... Mostly because my Dad is the best contractor to ever walk the face of this earth. Lucky for me he raised me on the job site. I learned so much from him and his crew I know for a fact my creative eye would not be the same without that experience. Unfortunately my Dad is out of the business. Who would want to be known as a contractor after what has happened in the industry in the past 10 to 15 years? It's just too bad because my Dad is so very talented but never received the credit that he deserved... And or never allowed himself to receive the credit that I and others like me gave him. He was lumped into the pile of SO CALLED 'contractors' who threw up a house in less than a month with less than quality work put into every second of that tiny building time period. So I believe this is where my next photographic interest is coming from. I'm not sure where it will go but buildings and construction is in my brain.
Today I went out and photographed a few different old abandoned houses that are still standing in downtown Boise. I'm also not sure what my statement is quite yet... This has been an idea in my head since I was a youngster while swinging the hammer and or shooting the nail-gun building strong sound houses. I know for a fact that I'm kicking myself in the butt for not documenting my Dads amazing work. He should have a coffee table book, who knows someday he just might!